Go to Legal Locator Service TSA PreCheck Application to schedule your appointment. You can either book a next-day appointment or walk in at your convenience.

  1. Prepare Your Documents
    Bring a valid photo ID, such as a driver’s license or state-issued ID card plus proof of Citizenship – a certified Birth Certificate or a Valid Passport, Permanent Residence Card. If your name has changed bring the court documents showing the legal name change.
  2. Complete the Enrollment Process
    During your in-person visit, you’ll be asked to provide fingerprints and a photo for identification.
  3. Pay the TSA PreCheck Application Fee
    The application fee is $76.75.

    • The in-person visit only takes about 5-10 minutes.
    • Most applicants are approved within 3-5 days, but some applications may take up to 60 days.

TSA PreCheck Renewal: $66.75
Need to renew your TSA PreCheck? We offer TSA PreCheck renewals in-person for just $66.75.

Why Choose Legal Locator Service for TSA PreCheck Enrollment?

At Legal Locator Service & TSA Enrollment Services by Idemia, we provide fast and efficient TSA PreCheck enrollment. With an average visit time of just 5-10 minutes, our team ensures a smooth, hassle-free experience. We’re proud to have over 300 5-star reviews from satisfied customers.

Visit Legal Locator Service TSA PreCheck Enrollment today to get started!