Background Check Compliance and the FCRA.
Employers are required to follow state and federal regulations when performing background checks. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) regulations exist to protect consumers from misinformation being used against them. The regulations are specific and following them is time consuming. That’s where Legal Locator Service is your answer.
HR Compliance Cloud Platform
Compliance Cloud (CC) is a compilation of services and tools to help our clients comply with FCRA regulations. Our software is constantly being updated to help you comply with the new policies and legislation at the national, state, and even city level.
Compliance Cloud is integrated directly into our online screening platform and uses a centralized portal for applicant consent forms, employee background screening, and adverse action notification delivery.

Automated Applicant eConsent
Applicant receives an electronic consent form and is completed through the secure portal. When the form is complete the background check can be processed. Choose the types of screens you want to run and click Send. It’s that easy.
Applicant Notification
Should an Applicant fail to meet your background check specifications, Legal Locator Service can help create and monitor the delivery of your FCRA compliant Pre-Adverse and Adverse Action notifications with the click of a mouse.
You Can Count On Us
- Great turn around times on pre-employment screening.
- Advanced secure technology with industry leading data platform.
- Better customer service no call centers.
- We walk you through the screening process giving you peace of mind.
FCRA Compliance Resources
Compliance Information & Useful Links
Remedying the Effects of Identity Theft
Disputes, Expungements, & Disclosures
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
DOT (Department of Transportation)
EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission))
FTC (Federal Trade Commission)
FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act)
FACTA (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act)
FHA (Fair Housing Act)
GBLA (The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act)
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
Dodd-Frank Credit Score Disclosure(Dodd-Frank Act)
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Social Security Number and Identity Theft)