Improve Regulatory Compliance
Legal Compliance is our Top Priority
It is essential for background screening companies to meet regulatory requirements. Background checks are critical for employers, they require attention to detail. Employee background checks are considered “consumer reports” under the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which means they are subject to guidelines around access and use. Remaining compliant with FCRA regulations throughout the background screening process is crucial. If you ignore consumer laws you can expose yourself to expensive and time consuming lawsuits.
Disclosure & Authorization – Legal Locator Service provides all of the applicant notifications and disclosures electronically through our online secure platform. You must always obtain written consent from the applicants before starting the background check. Disclose that a background check is being performed in a separate, stand-alone document.
Adverse Action – Our platform provides all of the required Adverse Action documents with a click of the mouse. Allow enough time for an applicant to respond to an adverse action.
Background Check Reporting Guidelines – Our background check reports contain only that data which is permissible.
Quality Assurance – Our Quality Assurance team conducts random audits of each of our researchers’ work and reporting process.
Currently 37 U.S. states and more than 150 cities and counties have passed ban-the-box laws, which in most cases remove questions about criminal history from job applications and delay asking about it until a conditional job offer has been made.
Legal Locator Service is a Member of the Professional Background Screening Association and has an Advanced FCRA Certification.
Call Legal Locator Service for all your screening needs at 866 225-2435 or
503 697-5821.