Legal Locator Service is more than a data provider. We consider all the values that are important to you when conducting background checks, including compliance, turnaround time, competitive cost, and exceptional customer service. Our staff check records, contact employers, validate history, confirm identities, and more with a quick and cost-efficient system that is built to serve you.

Whether you need background screening for your business, a non-profit organization we’ve got you covered. With over 25 years of experience in background screening, we deliver fast, accurate results you can trust.

· Member of Professional Background Screening Association
· Advanced FCRA Certified
· Unparalleled customer service
· State-of-the-art systems and technology
· Integrated ATS
· Connect to your systems
· Fast Turnaround time

Legal Locator Service helps companies coast-to-coast make the background screening process easier and ensure our clients know everything they need to know about prospective employees.

Call Legal Locator Service today at 866 225-2435 or 503-697-5821 for all your Employment Background Checks. Certified Women-Owned WBE-ESB. Bilingual English/Spanish Office. Tax incentives in many states.

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