Community leaders earn high honors for making Lake Oswego a better place.

During the event at Ironlight on Thursday, May 23, 2024, the chamber presented awards to the people and businesses that help the community thrive. Legal Locator Service & TSA Enrollment Services were honored with the Dee Denton Business of the Year Award. Legal Locator Service is a Certified Oregon Women-Owned Business.

Legal Locator Service owner, Ticia Symonds, expanded her business during the COVID pandemic to include TSA screenings. Chamber President Heather Graves-Ramsey said that 150,000 people have come to Legal Locator Service in Lake Oswego in the last two-and-a-half years for its TSA enrollment services and that Symonds founded the Ladies Who Lunch program locally.

In accepting this award, Symonds said, “I didn’t get here by myself. I have a great team. They are extraordinary. We did this together. Thank you so much for everything. I am thankful for this community.”

Read the full article – Excerpts, in part, taken from the LO Review.

Thank you, Lake Oswego Review!
Thank you, Lake Oswego Chamber of Commerce